Monday, January 21, 2013

ADS!!! .... and rhetorical... things

The idea of intangible value, I hear this as “How can we make these commercials more valuable without spending much more”

His idea of using models to help improve the train ride is adding value, well the mention would make me ride a train as well as many other men and that will make the company more money just off the tickets, and as he said instead your making money just buying the employment of models.

There are plenty of people who want the train ride to go faster, boredom? Late for something business related?

Although from personal experience from planes or the rare ten hour car drive I want the ride to go faster out of boredom, although if I had the said model that was mentioned for the train serving me food then yes maybe I would be perfectly content with the ride and willing to pay for the trip and wait for the end and so yes I believe intangible value can be there.

To think that ads can have an influence on someone’s buying decision is completely reasonable and makes sense; it wouldn’t be just once I heard (or said myself) “That commercial says it’s okay (Good, Preferred, Recommended etc.) There are people who don’t know if their shampoo is good, their toothpaste, cars all of these people will debate about but if someone sees that the person in the commercial is good looking and has great hair they want that, if they see a car speeding through a beautiful route as they talk about the handling they compare with the peaceful view than they want that peace and easy ride so that may push them towards a decision.

I wouldn’t say that I learned more from this video because I learned the power of ads through my philosophy classes or just the basic theme of commercials, although I did very much enjoy this video.

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