Just looking at the header I can tell you right away that this paper is meant to be informal. I read the paper and the auther is telling us that it is okay to have a crappy first draft and to me that is what I need to hear at times, because I am always thinking that I will be graded on small things, but in the end i finish the paper and then re read it and i find things that absolutely need to be corrected. Lammott tells us from her own experiences and people she knows that everyone (Almost everyone) does first drafts that are shitty, which could help students like me realize that it is okay to have bad drafts because even the better writers do the same thing.
Looking at the second paper, I can say that this writer is not using profanity because he wants to give the student something that will give them information, the first paper seem to have used profanity to help us relax and maybe without relizing it get us thinking soething along the lines of "Hey they cursed, maybe it would be okay if we did that as long as the ideas get put down." The second paper is trying to get to students looking at papers written like the first, trying to tell us how we could go at helping write the second more improved draft
Overall reading these papers I have gotten a better idea on how to help other students with their papers also The first paper helped me out cause I am always nervous about my first draft and i feel a bit better now.
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