Monday, March 25, 2013

Remediation!!! and a techinical journey

The effort in making a web text is long and tedious, this I knew because when I was in high school I had to make a web page for my final project. No hints were given I was just given basic steps and had to figure out all the coding myself, this took me a long time because not only did I have to write my text, I had to put in all the coding to change the font, the color and size. the page to me forever because my goal was to put all types of format into the paper (i.e. links, video, pictures, slide show) I didn't mind it at first but some of the codes were long and the placement was a bit difficult to navigate.
Although I knew about making a web site I never tried making a good one. I never though of the designs and the finer aspects of it, the sounds of the links never crossed my mind.
I am not very savvy when making a design but this article has given me some things to think about.
Web design is also a decent paying job if you can get good enough, a problem is that you have to know the coding and be willing to sit and work hard for a long time. although web design might not be a career choice, my high school teacher was a computer tech and he would get the occasional odd job making a website for someone.

My technology journey is more oriented around musical tech because I am still learning all the different things out there, computers I kind of have down simply because I learned about them more than anything else in high school.

Monday, March 4, 2013

ReMEDIAtion.... (see what i did there)

Bringing up the thought of someone changing the rythym to thriller is not to hard to believe for me, if i go off the definition of remediation given to me i can say that people do this all the time and have for years so, yes i can see it. People dont just remidiate songs there is a program called photoshop that not only enable you to create something original it can also alter a photo comepletely,likeputting a guitar in the statue of liberties hand and making it look real, its not their original work but they have altered it and made it somewhat there own.
There is also remixing, which is done commonly among musicians, i could write a song on my guitar, then i could play the exacting in a lower pitch or i can give it an echo or maybe make the sound clean, its the same thing just different versions of it.
I think i could use these strategies by reffering to someones musical research to back a point, or i could summerize results from an old experiment about the effects of certain genres of music on memory. I could refer toa teachers lesson and how they saw a certain idea I could change the writing to make the idea clear and more tangible in the case that someone may not understand the musical  terms put into some of the work.